Contact Information
Network Administrators

The activities of the Kartalla – På Kartan network are coordinated by the Kartalla – På Kartan: Vocational Education Sustainability Roadmap project. The project is carried out by SYKLI Environmental College in collaboration with an annually renewed advisory board of vocational institutions.
Tiina Taipale, Project Manager
Sini Raita-aho, Coordinator
Ilona Nurmi, Communications coordinator
Katariina Mustonen, Trainer
Elina Hinkkanen, Trainer
Joonas Raaska, Carbon Footprint Calculation Expert
Maria Törn, Swedish Language Specialist
The Kartalla – På Kartan project is funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education (Opetushallitus, OPH).
The project is funded under the Vocational Education Green Transition funding by the Finnish National Agency for Education (OPH), and implemented in collaboration with their EQAVET project (

1st July 2024 – 31st December 2027
Project Funding and Coordination
The Kartalla – På Kartan project is coordinated by SYKLI Environmental College. SYKLI is a pioneer in strengthening sustainable development in working life and vocational education for a sustainable future.
Our Services:
- Vocational qualifications and smaller study units supporting sustainability work and sustainability education development for educational institutions.
- Online courses for staff and students related to sustainability practices (kädenjä
- Staff training and development workshops on various sustainability topics (
- Consulting services on defining responsibility focus areas, carbon footprint calculations, and sustainability reporting (
Sustainable Vocational Education Advisory Board
The Advisory Board for Sustainable Vocational Education supports the project’s actions and implementation and participates in project planning. About 15 members are invited annually to the Advisory Board. The first year’s board includes the following institutions:
- Ammattiopisto Luovi
- Jyväskylän koulutuskuntayhtymä Gradia
- Kainuun ammattiopisto
- Keuda
- Koulutuskuntayhtymä OSAO
- Lounais-Hämeen Koulutuskuntayhtymä
- Optima
- Perho Liiketalousopisto
- Sataedu
- Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä
- StadinAO
- Yrkesakademin i Österbotten
In addition, the coordinating body SYKLI Environmental College and the funding body the Finnish National Agency for Education participate in the work of the Advisory Board.