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Join the network

Commit as an educational institution or partner!

Kartalla – på Kartan is a network of vocational institutions and their partners, working together to build a sustainable future.

Vocational institutions can join the Kartalla – på Kartan network by completing the institutional commitment form. The goal is for all vocational institutions in Finland to join the network and make their sustainability efforts visible upon commitment. Network members gain access to a wide range of tools for sustainability work and can track the progress of their efforts using shared metrics.

Workplace partners, businesses, research organisations, and other stakeholders can join sector-specific networks. These networks collectively build a sustainable future for the sector. Partners can join sectoral networks by filling out a commitment form, which outlines the types of cooperation they are interested in with vocational institutions. Partners also gain access to sustainability-supporting tools as network members.

Individuals, from vocational education staff to students, can also join the network and access materials that strengthen their sustainability expertise. Individual members will be able to register through the member pages, which will become available later.

Commitment to the Network and Communicating It

An educational institution commits to the network by completing the commitment form.

By joining the network, the institution commits to:

  • Updating the information on the commitment form
  • Conducting an annual self-assessment on the progress of the roadmap work (link to the survey)
  • Additionally, it is strongly encouraged that the committed institution calculates its carbon footprint and reports the results using the shared reporting template.

Partners of vocational institutions commit to the network and to building a sustainable future by filling out the partner commitment form. By joining the network, the partner commits to updating the information on the commitment form.

Communicating the Commitment Commitment is communicated through the Sustainable Future Together icon. The institution can communicate its commitment to the goals and action pathways of the sustainability roadmap by adding the icon to its website, presentation materials, or sustainability program. A link to the organisation’s information card on the Network website must be attached to the icon, allowing readers to verify that the institution is committed to the Sustainability Roadmap and tracking progress as part of the network.